It is curious how in the fauna and flora of Celica there is no living being that has blue pigments, however, the long tundras of De Nahar embrace, display large sheets of bluish, purple and yellow tones. It is not recurrent for an outsider to define Celica as "a blue planet" and in spite of this, it is a color widely repeated in the landscape. This tone is due to nothing more nor less than the refraction of light in the microscopic structures of the skin: small folds, holes... The same structure occurs in Serendite, the Mother Mineral of the Planet. In the darkness, it is black; in direct light, brown; and to the eye of day, blue like the most vivid writing ink. An outsider would define Celica as a world of " different nuances ". Something curious about this mineral is also found in its structure: its shape is variable. There is no generic model of Serendite. The people of Celica represent Serendite in their books with a shape reminiscent of an eye. Serendita, the future of the mankind.
— He has blue fingers. We should stop the bleeding or he''ll lose his hand. His fingers are blue. — Tucker repeated anxiously, not usually dealing with situations as distressing as the one he was in now. In fact, in Salinas, the village where he and the other boys came from, he avoided at all costs any situation involving blood, and it was not an easy task since the birth rate in Salinas is one of the highest in Tundra, and therefore many doctors are needed. Tucker had chosen to dedicate himself to Serendite mining, as had Aster, T. Elleon and Salomon who was on the ground about to lose a hand.
— With this hand I forged the Serendite stone that my wife wears in her index finger. With this hand I have plowed miles of tundra wheat for years, and you who only use it to brush your flowery scalps are not able to stop a hemorrhage?
— All right, Salomon. Tucker, do as I do: press hard with both thumbs on the brachial artery. Elleon, keep him conscious.
They did it.
— His fingers. They're blue, Aster.— Tucker anguished.
Aster had the capacity to think rationally in the most adverse situation, a trait that came to the fore in this situation. His mentor could bleed or freeze to death if he did not act appropriately. It was pointless to ask for help in the middle of a forest, the nearest village was two days away: a small settlement of Celicans who breed tundra bison, not very convenient to treat a hemorrhage. They also had no effective transport, only a magnetic suspension wagon where they kept the necessary supplies for the expedition and the Serendite collected, worth 3 expeditions. The decision had to be made right then and there.
— The cold will help to extend the vitality of the wrist tissue, hopefully we can easily implant the hand after cutting it.— said Aster as he received the stinging glances of his companions.
— We can't make a decision like that lightly, Aster— Elleon continued after a brief pause. — Besides, we haven't even asked him if he wants us to amputate his hand.
— Go ahead, ask him.— Aster replied sarcastically.
Salomon had been unconscious since his last speech.
— Now is not the time to argue, especially when you have not even done what you have been asked to do, T. If we don't cut off his hand, the next thing that will happen is that his arteries will collapse. He will have his hand, but not the life to use it. Indeed I am sure of that, my friend. Besides , we have enough Serendite to do the implant.